Marketing a company can be a tricky thing for some business owners. Many want to save as much money as possible while reaching the greatest number of people through their efforts. Perhaps you don’t know where to begin or have a set budget and want to ensure it goes toward marketing tools that will provide the most return for your company. Take a look at these ideas for getting your company’s name out there without breaking the bank. You can ensure your business grows while saving money at the same time if you plan carefully.
Use the Right Promotional Tools
Promotional tools have always remained a popular item for businesses to promote themselves. Pens, keychains, totes, and t-shirts are just a few examples of promotional tools, and they can be distributed in almost any manner. Many companies give these out when at networking or promotion events, especially when they will be seeing potential customers. However, if your business is situated mostly online, you can still reach customers by passing out promotional items with each order. Many people appreciate this as a way of saying thank you, and it helps them know that their business is valued. When utilizing promotional tools, start small and stick with items everyone will use, like keychains and pens. You can always spend more money and advance to other areas, like t-shirts, if you find the items are going over well. Research shows these items still have a positive impact and are worth spending the money on to get your company name out there.
Try Social Media Marketing In New Ways
Although social media has been around for a long time, the ever-changing economy has shown using it is becoming even more popular, likely because of marketing cuts. Think about new and helpful ways to reach out to your customer base through the channels you currently use. Maybe your business offers cooking products and your customers would appreciate a demonstration through a video series. Or perhaps you could schedule a Facebook live event and talk with people in real-time to help them learn more about your company and what you have to offer. Adding a new channel might be just as helpful, such as reaching younger customers on Snapchat or presenting visuals of your products on Instagram. These might be little changes, but they could offer the right marketing push that your business needs to grow.
Help People Remember With Your Number
If you want your customers to reach you in an easy and memorable way, consider getting a toll free number for business that is easy to recall. You can see if it is possible to create a vanity number that spells out part of your business name. Because toll-free means no additional charges to the customer, they are more likely to reach out and even feel confident about doing business with you. Knowing customers can always get in contact with someone at your company allows your business to grow and helps you to look professional.
Bring in New BusinessWith Old Customers
One way of marketing that many companies find worthwhile is to bring in new business with some help from current customers. For every referral that does business with you, give the original customer who brought them in a certain percentage off. This could be 10%, 20%, or more, depending on how much you gained from the referral. One benefit of marketing this way is that people are more likely to use a service their friends and family have recommend to them. It doesn’t cost your company anything extra, just the percentage you choose to take off the current customer’s order.
Marketing your company while saving money doesn’t have to be difficult if you know how to maneuver it. Consider using promotional items as giveaways and thank-you’s to current customers. Reach out on social media and engage with your viewers and customers in new ways that make you seem personable. Get a toll free number so it’s more convenient for your customers to call whenever they want. Finally, offer current customers a percentage off their next purchase when they bring in new business. All these ideas can help your company grow to new heights while ensuring the most return for your money.