Marketing Success Sales & Marketing

Marketing Your Event Like a Boss

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While during the COVID-19 outbreak is not the best time to discuss organizing live events, it’s essential to plan your post-outbreak strategy. As a business, you will need to reestablish your presence and build trust with your audience from scratch. Many companies are forced to shut down temporarily or slow down their processes to reduce the risk of spread and infection. As a result, it is fair to assume that once the situation has cleared out, and it is safe to resume your activities as per usual, your business will have to patch up the relationship with customers.

The quickest way to win your audience over is to launch a live event where you can meet and interact with people to reassure them and remind them why they used to like your brand. It will be tough, but with the right prep, nothing is impossible.

Be Visible with a Popup Shop

A popup shop has the advantage of erasing the online barrier between you and your audience. But even if you run a physical store, the popup option allows you to create a small and relaxed environment where you can get to know each visitor. You can use the opportunity to introduce your products to new customers and strengthen bonds with existing ones.

Create Custom-Made Tees

What’s so special about a branded tee? Logo tee-shirts are still trending. As a brand, you can maximize your presence and boost awareness on the market by relying on advocates. As such, thanking each one of your post-crisis customers with a customized t-shirt is a great idea to raise your profile. You can secure a hot press from a specialist company such as Coastal Business Supplies to make your tees on the go. Keep the design simple, using your logo and the first name of your customer, for instance.

[your brand] loves Sue!

All you need to do is to spell out your customer’s name, and you’re ready.

Have a Location App

If you’re planning a mobile event with a van, for example, it can be a great idea to create an app that will keep your followers updated about your location. Why not run an all day long event through town to engage with people and help them to discover and rediscover your brand post-outbreak? Now’s the perfect tie to get planning and build your app, ready to be used when the streets are safe again.

Live Stream Your Day

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Live streaming lets you share your experience with customers online. But more importantly, you can record and save your live streaming content so that it can be used for future reference. How do you best live stream? You can rely on existing software tools, such as using Facebook Live from a laptop or a mobile device, for instance. YouNow is also a popular free app from both computers and smartphones that can be used to reach out to your audience. From a marketing perspective, you can use your live streaming activities to address questions your audience might have and explain your current post-outbreak strategy.

It’s not too early to plan how to revive your business once the COVID-19 outbreak has calmed down. If, like many business owners, you are forced to shut down temporarily, working on the best strategy to come back once everything is over can help to stay optimistic. Stay safe now to grow big with your live events later!

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