
Mobile App Marketing That Will Make Your Downloads Skyrocket

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Now, you may have built a mobile app for your business. You have perfected every single aspect of it but how come no one is downloading it? Well, it seems that you donโ€™t have a good marketing plan to back it up. Creating a mobile app is just the first stage of getting your message across to your audience, wherever they are, whenever you want to. You also have to realize that an effective marketing plan is just as important as an effective mobile app. Below are some steps you can take to make sure that your target market downloads your mobile app.

Promote Your Mobile App On Everything

Put the download URL of your mobile app on everything and we mean EVERYTHING. On your website, print ad, business card, poster, letterhead, etc. You can also tweet it, post it on Facebook or even blog about it. Make sure that you broadcast that you have a mobile app and they can download it โ€“ anywhere you can get your hands on!

Make Downloading Your Mobile App Easy As 1-2-3

Create a Quick Response Code (QR Code) for your mobile appโ€™s download URL. ย Include this QR Code on all your marketing tools. With that, your target market can just scan your QR Code and your app will be downloaded instantly on their mobile device. You can also have app store badges designed. You can add these to your website. With just a click, anyone can download your app easily.

Utilize Your Existing Clients

Let your customers do the work for you. First, inform them that you have a mobile app and enumerate all the benefits they can get from using it. Then you can create a contest or a promo that would require them to make their family and friends download the app in order to win the prize or get a gift or a discount. This will get them thrilled to share your mobile app. Thus, creating more mileage without spending a whole lot!

Dedicate A Whole Webpage For Your App and Increase Its SEO Ranking

Creating a webpage containing only the details of your mobile app. With this, your app can climb its way to the top ranks of search engines. You should also submit your app to search engines. By doing this, you can hit more new clients who search relevant content online.

Of Course, Tap Social Media

Utilize all social media accounts. Post, tweet, blog. And repeat. You can also ask your friends to share your app on their own websites and social accounts. You will then be able to build a following. If you want more, you can ask the services of a company that will โ€œsellโ€ you followers. This can boost the presence of your mobile app. The more people who share your app, the more people will download it!

All the said tips will help you raise the awareness of your mobile app. Remember that all efforts will be futile if you have a mobile app with all the content you need to get across but without any downloads. ย Make sure that you devote as much time in marketing it as in developing it, if not, more. Just do that and surely you will gain new customers, brand awareness, and of course, more profit.

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