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HR Management

Nurturing a Healthy Workplace in 2022

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Managing a business can be a stressful thing to do, and will likely be one of the most stressful jobs you’ll ever have. It can also however be incredibly rewarding, and building your own empire is a great achievement. One of the things you always need to consider when building a business is making your workplace a healthy and happy one, and that’s what we will be discussing today. 

Hire the Right People 

Before you are able to build a healthy workplace that makes your employees happy, you need to consider exactly who you are hiring. Make sure to use a helpful agency like Technical Search Consultants to hire the right people who will bring dedication as well as warmth to your workplace. Choosing a great team is the first step towards a happy workplace. 

Avoid Micro-Managing 

The worst thing you can do as an employer to your workers at any time is to make them feel like they are being watched. When we constantly feel as if someone is looking over our shoulder it can be incredibly stressful for us and this can lead to us not being able to work productively. As a boss you need to place some trust in your workers and show them that you trust in their ability and their work. This means not constantly counting the minutes when an employee heads out for a break; and being a little flexible with working times in the morning and the evening. If you show your employees that you trust them, they will work harder for you and they will reward your trust. 

Invest in Food Facilities 

When it comes to creating a better working environment for you and your employees there are a lot of factors which can make a difference. To allow us to feel more comfortable and relaxed every day though the best thing we can do is have a fully functioning kitchen to use. This includes having a toaster and a kettle, a microwave and a fridge freezer and even an oven if you have the space for it. Being able to create meals at lunch time and make your own food during the day can have a huge impact on happiness levels and how relaxed you all feel in the office. 

Create a Quiet Space 

It is always important for us to consider the fact that our workers are human beings and they will go through rough days now and again. If you want to make sure that you are creating a healthy Work environment for your employees, one of the things you will want to do is create a quiet nook where people can go when they need a little space. This could be somewhere with a TV and a few confound beanbags and a few books to read, and it will allow your stressed out workers to find some peace for 10 minutes or so when they need it the most. It will in turn make your employees feel much happier and more relaxed. 

Have a Cozy Seating Area 

As well as a quiet space for those who need an escape, it is always a great idea to build a small corner of the office which has a comfy sofa and some chairs to enjoy. This is the ideal place for workers to visit during their lunch break or a mid morning break and it will allow them to refresh and feel more at home. If anyone ever needs to take a phone call or so forth then this can be handy too and will allow people to feel more like they are working in a home instead of an office. 

Light It Up 

One of the things you can do to make the office feel more alive and full of life is to replace the light bulbs with brighter ones and open up those windows. Light has a huge effect on the brain and when it is light outside we feel much more productive and ready to work and make a change. 

Consider Games and Gadgets

Games can be a great thing to bring into any workplace and if you want to make an impression on your audience you can really benefit from bringing a game or two into the place. For example in your cosy corner you could have a chess board or some cards to play. You can have a desktop table tennis table for anyone who fancies having a go at lunch time, and you can even bring in a PS4 to play tournaments as a team and win prizes throughout the year. Any of these things will make your workplace feel more comfortable and it will make your workplace feel more like a playground! 

Encourage Hobbies 

Hobbies are a huge part of a lot of your employees lives and they can be something which your employees always want to spend their time doing often. It is important as a good employer for you to take an interest in more than your workers projects and into their lives too. Being able to do this as an employer can be a huge thing because you will show your workers that you care and this can help improve your bond together as a team. Think about encouraging musicians to bring an instrument in and play, to encourage artists to create some art for the walls, and for sporty people to come and teach their sport to the office. Being able to make your office environment feel more like a friendship is amazing and it will make a huge impact on your workers. 

Casual Dress 

One of the things which has a lot of people up for debate throughout the year is the idea of casual dress or formal dress. Unless you are going to be meeting with clients all day every day there really isn’t any need for uncomfortable clothes and actually these clothes can be horrible for people to work in because they are often uncomfortable and will cause overheating. If you want to ensure that your workers are all comfortable then encouraging smart casual can be great because it gives the option for workers to not wear shirts and instead wear a t shirt which can make a big impact on their day. Being able to sit comfortably can be the best way to be productive. 

Go Out for Lunch As a Team 

One of the things which we always learn when we wonder how to motivate employees is that small things can go a long way. If at the end of the week you have a little time spare during lunch, why not invite your team for lunch somewhere close to where you work and have a catch up? Getting to know your employees in a relaxed setting is always amazing and it can really bring you all much closer together as a team. Going out every now and again for lunch with the team can be a nice change of pace and it can help to refresh you all for the afternoon ahead. 

Try Teambuilding 

There are so many benefits to trying team building activities this year and as a team you will come together and have a good laugh along the way. Team building can come in many different forms from office sports days to full on retreats in the countryside, and they can be a great way for employees to bond outside work and become friends. The good thing about doing things like this is that you can create memories together which you can use in stories over and over again in the office. 

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