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Poor Online Visibility? We Can Fix That

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Are you struggling with the visibility of your business online? It’s actually a very common issue that many owners struggle with, so try not to feel too bad about it. We know that it isn’t ideal, and it’s definitely not doing your business any favors overall, but it can be sorted. Don’t be too hard on yourself for something that can be fixed with a few simple solutions, all it takes is a little bit of dedication on your part.

If you’re not sure where to begin, that’s okay too. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the different options for boosting your visibility online to help you see better results for your business. Have we got your attention? Good, let’s get started.

Work On Your Website

Obviously, the first thing that we’re going to mention is that you should be working on your website. Your website needs to be the highest quality that it can be to keep people there. People tend to think it’s all about getting to the website in the first place, but that’s only half of the battle. More than that, you need to keep people on the site once they are there and a lot of the time this proves to be the most challenging part.

You’re going to need a professional web designer on your side if you have any chance of making your business website look good and function well. If you have tried to do it yourself, we’re not saying that you’ve not done a good job so far, just that it needs to be better, and that’s what professionals are for. Of course you should make sure that they are following your vision for your site, it is yours at the end of the day. 

Update Your Social Media

Your social media is going to be your best friend, but it also has the power to really beat you down if you don’t use it properly. A common example is abandoned social media pages. This looks absolutely terrible and is not something that you want people seeing when they search your business name. 

People want to see posts, content, pictures, videos, engagement with other customers and users as well as so much more. The more that you use your social media, the more interactive you are likely to be with users, who will talk about your page and spread the word about you. 

When creating your various types of content though, you need to be careful. It’s tough to get it exactly right so that you rank well in the SERPs, but it can be done. It’s all a balancing game, you see. It’s about knowing what keywords people search for when looking for what you provide, ensuring that they are included in the content but also not overdoing it. If you put too many of these words in, the search engine algorithm is going to pick it up as keyword stuffing and you’ll be pushed right down to the bottom. 

Get Someone Who Knows What They Are Doing

It’s okay to ask for help, you know? There is no shame in getting professional help when you know that your business needs it. There are various types of services that you can employ to help you here, but your best bet is going to be partnering with an SEO agency who has a proven track record in your industry. You can build a strong working relationship with the company that you choose, understanding more about how SEO works which is exactly what you want. 

It may also be worth patenting with a company that can offer you the marketing services that you need. If you know you’re struggling on the marketing side of things and you just can’t seem to get it to pick up, then help is your best bet. They will be able to show you where you are going wrong, help you get back on the right track, and in doing so become much more visible online. 

Link Building

Do you know what link building is? If not, that could be part of the problem. Link building requires getting other blogs and companies to link to your business within their content. This is best if it’s not done in a salsey or overly advertising way, unless otherwise specified. The point of this is to get high quality leads back to your website, pique the interest of those who are likely to purchase from you, and then potentially boost your conversion rate. Even if it doesn’t boost the conversion rate straight away, it’s likely that it will bring up your sales over time, you just have to let it work its magic. 

Advertise Locally

The final point that we’re going to make is that you should be advertising locally if you offer in person services. There are many tactics that you can use to do this, and it’s important that you are employing as many of them as you can to get seen by the people in your area. Do you know how many companies miss out on sales and customers in their local area? More than you would imagine we’re sure, and it’s really as simple as making a few small changes to your content to optimize it for local SERP success. 

We hope that you have found this article useful, and now see how you can fix poor visibility online. The longer that you leave this issue to fester, the worse it is going to be. We understand that not everything has an immediate fix and it’s going to take time for you to implement changes, but you have to do this as fast as you can. Make all of these changes and more to ensure that you are as visible online as you possibly can be, and you should see a marked improvement sooner than you may believe is possible.

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