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Premium Domains and How Can They Help Your Startup Succeed

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Our business world is closely linked to the internet. And every founder who wants to develop a robust company that’ll excel in the market cannot ignore getting a premium domain name.

Why? Because your brand’s website is its virtual storefront, and your website’s address is the virtual land on which it resides.

But premium domain names aren’t like any other common digital real estate; they are like luxury homes. Premium domains, like any luxury property, are incredibly costly due to a limited quantity and strong demand.

Premium domain names are a smart choice for digital and internet-based businesses wanting to gain a competitive advantage by fast-growing their brand’s trust and reputation.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg of what a premium domain name can accomplish for your company. So, without further ado, come along with us as we look at how premium domain names can help your business succeed.

What Are Premium Domain Names?

The term ‘premium domain name’ refers to a high-quality web address that is short, catchy, and usually ends with the .com extension. Premium domains offer strong branding possibilities for the companies that own them.

This is because these names have unique characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd while accomplishing the fundamental goal of all domains: to help visitors locate the website they’re searching for. 

And one of the best ways of finding a premium domain name is to engage the expertise of naming agencies

What Qualifies a Domain as ‘Premium?’

To figure out what denotes a ‘premium’ domain, you must first understand that businesses and entrepreneurs purchase domains because they want them to represent their brand, become a resource for their marketing strategies, or maybe even because they do not want their competitors to have it.

Companies will gladly pay more for domain names if it helps them achieve their marketing and branding objectives.

Below are some crucial attributes of premium domain names:

  • They’re Short. With domains, less is always more. And customers find it easier to find brands with shorter domain names. 
  • They’re Brandable. It’s much easier for entrepreneurs to build a brand with the support of a premium domain name.
  • They Use Trusted Extensions. They’re several thousand website extensions, but .com, .org, .net, and .io are the most popular and default in customers’ minds whenever they interact with domains.  
  • They Express a Clear Message. Premium domain names give customers a clear picture of the items and services your company provides.
  • They are SEO-friendly. Premium domains are SEO-friendly since they frequently match the exact phrases customers search for.

Why Should You Consider a Premium Domain Name for Your Company?

Lightbulbs of Inspiration

Courtesy: Pixabay

  • Secures the Best Possible Domain Name for Your Company. After ten years and $11 million, Elon Musk finally bought the domain from Stuart Grossman. And one of the reasons he waited a long time was because he realized that the greatest approach to represent your company in the digital era is with premium domain names, one that precisely fits your brand.
  • It Makes It Easier for People to Find Your Company. Acquiring a premium domain name makes it easier for your target audience to remember, search for, and find your company. If you own a shoe store and want people to be able to find you quickly, a premium name like is much preferable to a name like
  • Boost Your Company’s Credibility. Obtaining a premium name enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand’s website. As a result, customers would be more likely to visit and buy from your website.
  • Stops Competitors from Using a Powerful Domain Against You. Take a moment to imagine that your company’s name is Imperial Fashion; a major factor that would impede your brand’s growth is if has already been registered by someone else, not necessarily a competitor. If you don’t secure a premium domain name, your competitors will buy it and most likely use it against you. And that’d result in lower traffic and conversions for your company.

Premium Domains Are Well Worth the Investment

Although they’re expensive on the secondary market, a premium domain name is worth every dime. It’s a crucial component that every business must possess because it embodies its brand’s digital identity.

About the Author

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients such as Nestle, Dell, Nuskin, and AutoNation.


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