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Q&A: How to Develop and Stick to an Editorial Calendar for Your Blog

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calendar_series_2  Our answer:

Quality and consistency are the most important things you should take note of in creating andĀ maintaining an editorial calendar for a blog.

  • If you have a group of people maintaining your blog, you can just create an excel file and uploadĀ it on Google Docs so that everyone would be on the same page.
  • Itā€™s good to have a rhythm in posting so people would know when to expect a blog post fromĀ you.
  • Be realistic: Only put the number of posts you can do per week or per month. Donā€™t pressureĀ yourself in doing more than what you can. You will only churn out half-baked posts in theĀ process.
  • Variety of content: Use the best medium to showcase each message. Try to vary your posts ā€“Ā tutorials, interviews, product reviews, photos, videos, etc.
  • Take into consideration the real calendar for planning your editorial calendar. You would wantĀ your posts to be relevant to holidays, national events, etc.
  • Complete information: For each calendar day that you would plan to post on your blog, includeĀ these important details ā€“ topic, keywords, links, content type, links, tags, etc.
  • Color code: You can color code your calendar based on your topics or type of content.
  • In each day in your calendar, be specific on what you want your target audience to do afterĀ reading your blog post. Do you want them to sign up for your email? Do you want them toĀ call you for a free consultation? This will help you be focused on how you want the post to beĀ written or created.
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