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Self-Care Strategies for Financial Stress

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On top of the health effects COVID-19 has brought upon individuals and their families, another threat looms as a result of the ongoing pandemic: financial instability. Whether you lost out on yearly bonuses or were hit with a furlough or layoff, financial stress is at an all-time high for many. Afterall, over 30% of Americans reported facing negative economic impacts due to the pandemic. This includes being unable to pay for basic necessities like food, heat, or rent; using up most personal savings; or borrowing money or taking out a loan. U.S. adults were also significantly more likely than adults in other countries to report losing a job or source of income.

With rising unemployment numbers, lower wages and fewer available jobs, you aren’t alone if you’re struggling to stay afloat financially. In the midst of all this, you might not have considered an additional ramification—the impact financial stress can have on your mental and physical health. Did you know that:

  • Close to 2 in 3 adults say money is a significant source of stress in their life.
  • 48% of Americans report losing sleep at night due to financial constraint.
  • 13% of those reported their ability to pay their credit card debt as the sole cause of their sleep loss.
  • 20% of Americans said they felt physically ill at least once a month due to the debt they carry.
  • 31% of Americans reported their financial anxiety led to feelings of depression on a monthly basis in 2020.
  • 43% of Americans in debt said it negatively affected their sense of direction.

If you think your financial situation could be costing you your mental health, it’s important to recognize it and take steps to tend to yourself. While your financial struggles won’t disappear overnight, implementing some self-care strategies into your routine can reduce your stress and equip you with more mental stability as you move through difficult situations.

For example, if you’re one of the 48% of Americans losing sleep at night due to money issues, committing to regulating your sleep schedule can help you increase your energy and fend off fatigue. While maintaining consistent sleep habits may not strike you as an act of self-care, the impacts of proper sleep hygiene are monumental for your mental health. Not only will it help with fatigue, but lowering your overall stress levels as well.

This is just one example of a simple but powerful act of self-care that can keep the detrimental effects of financial stress at bay. For more self-care strategies that can help you protect your mental health, this visual designed by CreditRepair outlines simple habits you can start implementing in your life today. No matter what your financial situation may be, stress almost always arises in one way or another—the key is learning how to manage it effectively. A commitment to nourishing your personal health no matter what life throws your way will result in a healthier, more resilient you.

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