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How to Successfully Write a Professional Bio

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Text can make a person buy your product or order a service; follow the link or visit the store; order a call, write an email or perform another targeted action. Such direct copywriting works explicitly or latently, but always strives to achieve its goals. And among the unique texts, a professional biography is of no less importance.

Professional Bio Writing

If you need to write or edit a professional bio, feel free to apply for a biography or cv writing service an online company provides.

A professional biography or biography of a specialist is a short but succinct text describing a person’s activities and his personality: who he is, how he is known, what is useful to others, the main merits and achievements. Sometimes voluminous articles of 2500+ characters are used, but often biographies are as short as possible: 3-5 sentences.

Writing a text for a professional cv is a tricky task. You need to show yourself in a decent light, but not look arrogant. At the same time, you need to make the content professional, but use relevant humor or personal facts.

Moreover, your bio may not contain any biographical information. These several sentences are needed to make a desired impression for a person: to interest, attract, motivate, etc. No years of birth, names of universities and dates of employment.

A professional biography may be needed in familiar and non-obvious situations.

Some basic examples:

  • key pages on the site (section “Our Team” or “About us”)
  • A section “About the author” on the back of the book
  • A short description on the social network (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • Author’s signature on the site
  • A poster of a candidate applying for a government or other position

A text length is a very vague requirement. Some sites may have a hard limit. For example, Twitter will not allow you to save a profile with a description of yourself that is more than 160 characters long. If you publish text on your own blog online in the section “About the author”, then you can write long read. The main thing is the relevance of the content.

How to Write a Professional Bio If You Are Not a Writer

1. Create a page “about us” on the site or account in social networks Before writing a text, you need to determine where you are going to place it. Here are the best options for where you can post your professional bio:

  • Business page on Facebook
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Instagram account
  • A personal or corporate website.

The length, specifics and style of your biography will significantly depend on the platform you choose. So, on a corporate website, you can post an impressive text about one or several employees, and in the Instagram profile – just a few sentences or phrases (up to 150 characters).

The job of a professional bio is invariable – to present you in the eyes of the target audience. Positive, impressive, intriguing – just the way people want it.

2. Start the text with your name

Introducing yourself is equal to politeness in communication. Even if your name is known to many people in this area, you should not exalt your personality higher than your target audience might like. The first two or three words of your biography are your full name or creative pseudonym.

The author’s goal is to let the target audience get to know him. It may not remember examples of work, quality of services, or other important aspects, but the name is obligatory. Even if your name is printed on an avatar or other image, still start your professional biography with it.

Example: “Elena Brin – Senior Account Manager at Brand & co”

3.  List all companies and positions you are related to

A professional biography refers to your professional career. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the current positions, regalia and brands involved in joint projects with you. Here are some examples:

  • Marketer Elena Brin
  • Director at Brand & Co
  • Specialist in legal consulting

If you have created your own company – mention it, took part in an international project – indicate its name. At this stage, it is important to sensibly prioritize which positions, hobbies, and experiences are important, and which are secondary and unnecessary in your short professional biography.

4. Post your current position and occupation

In the next step, you need to reveal yourself as a specialist here and now. It is important for you to indicate your current position or field of activity so that clients or partners can quickly determine the prospects for cooperation.

A big mistake many writers make is to avoid direct answers. They exclusively use metaphors, allegories, similes and other literary tools to appear cooler, smarter, more professional. But in reality, your potential client will never understand who you are and why he needs such cooperation.

Remember your goal: to make the biography short, but succinct, in order to make the person understand the things that are important to him.

5. Add at least one professional achievement

A professional biography must reveal what you have achieved as an expert. It is clear achievements in any area that will make you a valuable performer or partner. It is important to choose the most striking professional achievement. Perhaps you have only one, then the choice will be simple. But if a professional biography is created by a recognized specialist with a long list of regalia, it will be extremely difficult to choose one thing. Target your audience and chosen platform, similar to writing text on a resume.

6. Briefly describe yourself outside the profession

If you review a professional biography, one may notice that it is focused on a person as a specialist in a particular field. But Central Asia is always interested in who is hiding behind the mask of a director or an important minister. Therefore, you can briefly talk about your personal life:

  • Family and friends
  • Hometown or country
  • Hobbies (interests)
  • Favorite music or planned trip
  • Additional professional activities

People like it when others are open and friendly. By sharing a piece of personal information, you will become more human and attractive as a professional.

7. Add a joke or interesting story

An informal completion of acquaintance with the target audience will ideally fit into even the most rigorous dialogue. It is only important that your humor or storytelling is appropriate and does not express hidden meaning.

These steps in writing a professional bio optional. Unlike copywriting formulas, such text does not have such a rigid structure. Much more important is its significance and influence on the target audience.

A good biography for professionals is a roulette wheel. You can write it according to all the rules, but go unnoticed. And sometimes a few words in a text can make it go viral. Therefore, you need to practice writing a professional bio and test different editions of it.

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