Outdoor Wedding on Beach

Things to Plan for When Holding an Outdoor Event

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People love to be outdoors, we rush outside on sunny afternoons during our lunch breaks just to soak up a few rays, or go for long walks on blustery days for a breath of fresh air. This urge to be outside is what makes holding an event outdoors so enticing, it takes the excitement of the event and doubles it, practically guaranteeing its success! Whatever you are planing, be it a big birthday party, a corporate shindig, a musical event, or a themed festival, holding it outdoors with the sky as your roof is going to make it special. Let’s take a look at some of the important things to consider when planning an outdoor event to help inspire you!

  • Power Supply – If your event is at night you are going to need lighting. If your event features public speaking or music you will need a sound system. If your event features perishable food and cold drinks, then you will need refrigeration. What do all these have in common? They require electricity, of course! Depending on your location you may be able to hook into a local utility company’s supply, or if you are farther afield bring your own generators. No matter which way you go, you need to arrange for an emergency standby generator to keep your carefully planned event going in the event of a power loss! Things do go wrong, overloads and thunderstorms can knock out even the most dependable power supply, so having a backup is critical, it is far better to be safe than sorry!
  • A Cover To Run To – Remember that thunderstorm we mentioned earlier? Yes, they can happen, even when you least expect it. While being out under the sky is wonderful, it’s not as much fun when the rain is pouring down and everyone who comes to your event needs to run for cover! Your best course is to plan ahead and have a nearby shelter arranged. Open-air tents and canopies are an easy and inexpensive way to go and can fit large numbers of people while the rain comes down, plus that’s where the refreshments will be so they will have something to do while they wait for the weather to clear! If you can’t manage space for all of your intended guests, at least be ready to pass out cheap disposable umbrellas to help keep them from getting soaked!
  • Hydration Stations – If your event is going to be held on a hot summer day it is essential to have plenty of hydration stations where your guests can grab a free drink of water! Even on a chilly winter night, it’s still important to provide water. Instead of disposable bottles opt for reusable water bottles with your event’s logo printed on them, making them a lovely souvenir to remember the day with!
  • Have Permission – Be sure to check with your local government for any guidelines and ordinances your event needs to follow well in advance and get the necessary permits! You wouldn’t want your event to end early while you are escorted to the local gendarmerie to answer a few questions and pay some hefty fines!

We hope this helps your outdoor event go great, enjoy!


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