
The Top 4 Industries Using 3D Configurators to Engage Users

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For roughly two decades, the rapid growth of the internet has brought a major change in people’s lives. Customers start buying online more than visiting the physical stores. Businesses also use various tactics such as digital advertising, content marketing, and videos to land customers on a website. These work great!

But now, the customers in developed countries want something more. They want to experience the product before buying or constructing it. Hence, it becomes challenging for businesses to meet customers’ needs and expectations. Even if the product is not as per customer expectation, there are high chances that customers refuse to accept it. It results in major losses or lower ROI, especially for the people dealing in luxury or high-cost items.

Interactive 3D applications become an attractive way to take customers to virtual reality platforms. Customers can now experience their project lively and look for the scope of amendments. If you are too a marketer and find it hard to attract and retain customers, you can also try a 3d configurator at your business.

Businesses Taking the Most Advantage of 3D Product Configurators

  • Luxury Goods – It’s hard to imagine luxury good shopping marked by bespoke service without leaving the couch. Thanks to 3d configurator technology that made it possible and took eCommerce to another level. Just like bikes or cars, customers can choose and customize jewelry designs, shoes, or expensive purses while sitting at home. Besides, they can experience how luxury items will look to them.
  • Automotive – Many prospective customers crave customization of their favorite vehicle, whether it’s a car or truck. They do not want to buy their vehicle, looking at the color option only. Buyers want to experience their car at different terrain types and how the engine will work in all conditions. With the 3d configuration, they can even change the car’s engine, interior color or wheels. The best thing, before beginning manufacturing, customers can know how the car will drive in the real world.
  • Interior Design and Furnishing – Once the house is built, there are still lots of options to use 3d configurators. If you are in the interior designing or furniture design business, 3d applications work as interactive showrooms. You can show off your furniture from different angles and how it will look at the client’s home. You can also use configuration to design the couch and find out the adequate size. Like, your customers want to see a couch in the corner, and of a particular shade, still, there are limitless options under 3d configurators.
  • Real Estate and Construction – Days are gone when the one-size-fits-all home model works for all categories. Because buying a home is the biggest investment, and the experience can be stressful for both builder and buyer. But with the assistance of 3d applications brings a great revolution in the industry. You can sell a pre-construction home. A buyer can customize paint for each wall, floor, lightning, and many more. Again thanks to the technology that defines the way sunlight shines through a home at different times.

If you are a marketer looking for more customer engagement and increased sales, this technology can help you. Adopting it in business can take your business to the next level.

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