
Which Way To Go: Apple vs. Android?

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Developing an app for your business? Choosing which operating system to use as a platform for your app is a big decision to make. That is why you should carefully study which to use – Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android. Which of the two will make your customers use your app as much as you want to? Let us break down important points to consider.

Volume – Apple wins.
Hands down, Apple’s App Store is the leader in terms of range, volume and diversity. It offers more than 350,000 apps and that lures a regular audience to download more and more. So if you go with Apple, your app has more chance to be seen and downloaded. The Android Market also has a big library – 250,000 apps. You also have to take note that the Android market is growing faster than the App Store. That also is a factor you should consider.

Pricing – Android wins.
Over 75% of Android’s applications are free and the App Store only has 33%. Eventhough Android has a smaller market, it has more free apps – 190,000 of no charge vs. the 115,000 of Apple.

Tablets – Apple wins.
Apple had a very good head start. The App Store has more than 65,000 dedicated apps and the Android only has 100. So if you want more reach, you should go with Apple.

Quality – Apple wins.
Apple has more quality control over its apps. Compared to the Android Marketplace app, the App Store is more consistent in offering high quality apps. Of course, there are also many quality Android app choices, you just have to be a little more vigilant.

It seems that Apple is dominating in most areas in the app world. Although, with the Android’s blazing growth rate and its introduction of a better operating system in Honeycomb, consumers can expect a lot from it in the next few months. This change may make Apple a bit worried in their seat of leadership. Surely, something to look out for.

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