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How Women Entrepreneurs Can Find Their Perfect Career

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As a women entrepreneur, we face a glass ceiling that male counterparts don’t experience. On top of that, we try to find careers in areas of passion and interest. However, with so many working women on “autopilot” in their careers, it can be easy to fall into the trap of finding a career you are just ok with and letting the days slide by.

If this sounds like you, it may be time to consider pivoting to a new career. In an environment where so many people have shifted to remote work, it’s important to find a career you enjoy so you can stay productive during WFH.

You should also understand that it is never too late to pivot your career. Whether you are fresh out of college or less than a decade away from retirement, career pivots at any point are completely possible. Finding a career you love can make you happier and more productive, and it’s never too late for making the switch.

To make a career pivot, it’s important to first turn inwards and look at yourself. Performing a SWOT analysis is a good place to start so you can understand where your strengths lie so you can find a career that mixes what you love with what you are good at.

You should also consider your transferable skills like communication, time management, and analytical skills. Transferable skills are general abilities you have learned that can be applied to many different career positions.

Overall, the most important thing to remember is to follow your passion. Whether you want to become an airline pilot or a successful women entrepreneur, finding an area you are passionate about is the number one thing you can do to succeed. For a complete guide to pivoting your skillset to a new career, check out the infographic below.

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