The Most Common Myths About Starting A New Business
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The Most Common Myths About Starting A New Business

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A startup is only as successful as its entrepreneur is driven – or is it? Generalizations such as these can end up turning into myths that can lead to discouragement or harmful misinformation. To help distinguish fact from fiction in the world of startups, the folks at SmallBizGenius came out with a stat-packed infographic on the topic that you can check out below.

Still, get to know the myths of the trade as well, in order to collect as much knowledge about the environment’s mechanics as it is. In this regard, the most common myths and beliefs include the following…

Myth#1: Only Young People Are Innovative

The optimal age for startup success is quite higher than the 25-35 age bracket. In fact, 50-year-olds are 2.2 times more likely to succeed than 30-year-olds, so don’t be afraid to follow your dreams whenever you get the chance, regardless of your age.

Myth#2 – Men Are More Successful at Running Startups Than Women

Entrepreneurship might have once been considered of a male-dominated arena. However, this is a remnant of the past, a time when male individuals were practically the only ones with access to the world of high investments and venture capital. The female entrepreneur population has proven this claim wrong, producing better results in 63% of cases when compared to startup founding teams made up entirely of male individuals.

Myth#3 – Overnight Success Is ‘A Must’

This myth is actually one of the most common misconceptions that still prevail today, as everyone is looking to make their million overnight. Just knowing that it took Starbucks 16 years to expand beyond Seattle should put things into perspective, allowing for more realistic projections and expectations regarding your new business.

About the Author

Hristina Nikolovska is the Marketing Manager at SEO Tribunal. A big part of Tina’s daily engagements involve raising awareness of the importance of digital marketing when it comes to the success of small businesses. As her first step towards this journey was in the field of content marketing, she’s still using every opportunity she gets to put her thoughts into educational articles. Connect with her on Twitter.

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