Sales & Marketing

Essential Steps to Better Email Marketing Part 3: The Human Factor

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In part one and two of this series, nine steps including technical and planning issues that impact emailĀ marketing campaigns were discussed. In this installment, one of the most vital steps in planning andĀ implementing an email marketing campaign is detailed. Step ten to better email marketing is the mostĀ vital of them all: the human factor.

Step 10 Part 1: Personalization

The personalization of email marketing campaigns can be a daunting task. But, with just a few simpleĀ tools, businesses are able to turn a format letter or advertisement into a personalized message thatĀ captures the attention of recipients.

Whether it is MailChimp, MailerMailer, or another email marketing tool, simple formats can beĀ utilized to create engaging messages. Subject lines that are customized, email content with names in theĀ headers, even selective content options are all possible with the right tools.

Just a simply opening line with a personalized name can make the difference between a reader and aĀ digitally crumpled email.

Step 10 Part 2: Humanization

Okay, so this step might not be as inexpensive as most email marketing options, but allowing forĀ human responses to email marketing issues is an essential element. Adding a simple line or linkĀ pertaining to inquiries and questions takes up very little space.

Responding to such a link, however, can take up a lot of time.

Instead of a generalized auto-responder for all inquiries, consider using a human touch to specificĀ inquiries and responses. People can tell the difference between an auto-responder and a flesh and bloodĀ human at the keys. Yes, personalized responses can be expensive, but they also turn interest into sales.

Consider humanizing some responses to email marketing campaigns.

Step 10 Part 3: Communication

With collected data, personalization, and human interaction comes responses which need to beĀ responded to. Sounds logical, no?

The amount of marketing campaigns which send out messages, receive responses, but never respondĀ back is astounding. Personal, human communication is best, but even a simple software or serviceĀ generated response is better than no communication at all. Consistent communication between theĀ marketer and the prospective customer is an all too forgotten art.

Treating email recipients as humans requires very little investment, but the return is astonishing. AĀ header with a customer’s name, a timely, human answer to a question, and consistent communication isĀ all that is needed to turn the impersonal medium of email into a humanized interaction.

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