Business Planning Process Planning & Strategy

How to Find the Right Office Space for your Business

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Having a functional office is very important for any business. It enhances productivity and contributes to having a streamlined workflow. Essentially, the main reason to have an office is to allow for collaboration between staff in a physical space. Well, people create and innovate better when they are working together as a team. Here’s how to find that bespoke office space for your business.

Choose the Location Carefully

For starters, pick the right location, depending on the nature of the business. You could be lucky and find an extremely affordable office space in the market. That said, if the office is miles away from where most of your business takes place, it may not be the best deal after all. The location should be a sweet spot where you can easily attract clients as well as qualified staff. Again, you want to be in a location that is a good fit for the nature of your business. For instance, if you are based in New York, you might want to rent Executive Suites and Office Space to save money whilst giving your business an elegant feel. It’s even possible to rent virtual office spaces so that you have the benefit of a professional-looking office address without needing the physical building.

Your targeted clients should not have to climb mountains, cross rivers and literally hop onto horses to get to your office. A good location will also present you with networking opportunities. Yes, being in the vicinity of other similar business put you in the path of potential clients. It is not just about the clients; an ideal location will help you get a good team on board. Remember, potential talented employees may opt against coming onboard if your business location is not easily accessible by them.

Select a Good Layout

The layout of an office is an important factor to consider when looking for an office space. The office layout you select should allow for optimal utilization of the floor space. It is easier to effectively arrange physical and human resources with a proper office layout. An added advantage is that your operation and administration costs will be reduced when you have a good office layout. Supervision will be more effective when you select a good layout.

Communication is at the very core of any successful team collaboration. You, therefore, need to choose a layout that facilitates effective intercommunication among staff. A proper office layout will also make it possible for better sharing of office machines and equipment. Equally important, however, is choosing a layout that is best suited for your niche. Many businesses thrive in an open concept style of layout. Others, on the other hand, function better when there are designated offices, so that employees can work uninterrupted. Just be sure to have some door-stops like the ones from on hand, so that people can prop open their doors, as needed. That way they aren’t completely isolated from everyone else on the team.


You need to ensure that you are not stretching your finances thin when it comes to the price of the office space. The cost of renting or leasing the office space should make financial sense. Having an office space that you can barely afford will stifle the growth of other areas of your business. You need to be aware of other costs attached to the place be it parking or any other bills.

The cost of the office space is a factor that directly impacts your net income and consequently, the profitability of your business. You are better off working with commercial real estate professionals to help you find the right space at the right price! Well, professional guidance will help you identify some hidden costs like parking and maintenance that may otherwise sneak up on you later. Alternatively, they will be best placed to know other available office spaces that will be a better match for your business.

Is There Room for Expansion?

Consider going for an office space that is flexible enough to allow for expansion. Your business may be small at the moment, but hopefully, it will grow in the future. Look for an office space that will give your business the room to expand.

However, you need to be careful not to go overboard. Do not go for a space that is insanely too big for your current business with the hope that your business will grow to match the size of the office space. If a reasonably bigger space is not affordable, opt for a shorter lease that will give you the flexibility to move when you need to.

Check for Relevant Infrastructure

We live in the digital age where businesses can barely function without the right infrastructure. This makes this a crucial factor when selecting an office space. Your productivity may be hindered when you have an office space that lacks the relevant infrastructure needed for the smooth operation of your business. For example, if you are a digital marketing agency, the space you select needs to be equipped with stable and reliable internet connectivity. Additionally, it should be flexible in accommodating infrastructural changes that may be necessary for the course of your business.

Always Have a Back Up

When looking for office space, don’t just go for the first option that comes available to you. Shop around and shortlist several spaces that meet your criteria. Have a list of the pros and cons of all these places. We can’t reiterate this enough; seek professional help if you can. You could also talk to some of the key people in your business and weigh in on their opinion of the different available office spaces. Having a backup plan will ensure that you have a place to fall back to in the event of any possible frustrations.

Be Flexible

You may have done your best in trying to get the perfect spot for your business. Even so, there may be other unplanned situations that may make it necessary for your company to terminate the lease. Some of these unforeseen situations may be natural calamities or a change in the business demographics. In these cases, you need an exit strategy. Consider selecting office spaces that allow you the flexibility to terminate your lease when the need arises. It would be very frustrating to be tied down to a space that no longer meets your needs. A shorter office lease will always come in handy when you need a contingency plan.

Wrapping Up

There are so many things to consider when searching for a good office location. The cost, size, and flexibility, and other factors discussed above need to be at the top of your priority list. Remember, an excellent office selection will have a positive impact on the success of the business.

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