Customer service Marketing Success

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrap-Up (5/11/15)

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The team here at SuccessfulStartup101 wishes everyone a great Monday and hope you all have awesomely productive weeks. For this week’s first installment of the best content by GaryVee, we’re starting with the article “Three Questions to Start Off Every Client Relationship the Right Way”.

Gary says that one of the most difficult parts of working in client services is getting the client to actually tell you what they really want. This can be frustrating and a time killer so Gary suggests asking three questions right off the bat that will help you get a good business relationship moving forward. The first questions is: What is their KPI or key performance indicator? In other words, do they want to accomplish views, sales, press or something else? The second question to ask is what results they wish to see and thirdly we should ask if they are willing to show you “their warts” which translates to their company’s internal politics. In short, this question is asked to try to get the client to be as truthful as possible because that’s important.

In the video “Adding Curated Content to Original Content” Gary is asked via Twitter if it’s OK to add curated content to one’s own content”. Gary’s response was “Absolutely!” He goes on to say that the “adding of your own two cents” to someone else’s content is something that’s good to do and valuable. He says that he thinks the lack of curation in his own work is one of his biggest weaknesses simply because he takes pride in producing all his own content. So for those of you wondering if it’s fine to use curated content, Gary says go for it!

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