Marketing Success Sales & Marketing

Giving Your Online Brand the Real-World Status It Needs

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Online branding has an undoubtedly major role to play when it comes to the success of most modern businesses. Most business owners are looking online more often than offline when it comes to marketing, but could this fact be creating a blind spot in your own business? Here, weโ€™re going to look at ways that you can give your online brand a bit of offline clout, and just why it could benefit you in the process.

Get Out and Meet Them

Not all marketing is as simple as advertising. Business events such as conferences and trade shows should be a major part of your marketing plan throughout the year for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is the opportunity to reach a whole audience who might not be aware of your online-only business, to give yourself some standing in the market, and give the skeptics the chance to meet your team in person and learn more about your products or services directly. Whatโ€™s more, live business events can have great ROI thanks to the fact that youโ€™re able to much more directly talk about the benefits of your products and services to interested parties and to deliver a pitch specific to their needs, since youโ€™re in real life chat.

Getting the Eye Traffic You Need

You donโ€™t need to go out in person to make your mark on the physical world, of course. There are all kinds of displays that you can use to get some marketing space for your business, and one of the most effective and reliable is that of the billboard. Teams like Allvision Billboards can help you find the space you need for your brand, allowing them to be strategically placed alongside intersections and busy roads, meaning youโ€™re more likely to catch even more attention than you would online. Even if the ads donโ€™t work on everyone, they can help build the brand awareness that makes people more likely to convert when they next interact with your brand.

The Direct Approach

For those large and diverse target markets that you want to get into the very lip of the marketing funnel, big options like billboards can be a great choice. However, what about those that are much closer to the point of conversion? You might think that an email would do it but the truth is that direct mail campaigns from teams like Inkit can actually be much more cost-effective. People tend to take what comes in the mail more seriously and, thus, are more likely to read it and engage with it, meaning an even greater chance of conversion, too. You just need to make sure you have a solid lead capture system in place to get the addresses you need.

You donโ€™t have to abandon online marketing, but you should consider whether key market locations could be better targeted by ensuring that customers see your brand in person and in color, as well. Consider whether the tips above could be balanced with your online marketing plans to offer a better strategy, overall.

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