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Ignoring the Numbers When Social Media Marketing

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When you own a business, sometimes it’s difficult to direct your focus anywhere besides your financials.

Obviously you want your business to succeed and make more money, but sometimes when that is all you pay attention to, it can be much more harmful than you think it is.

When it comes to social media marketing, though it’s not in the finances department, you often focus too much on numbers – you constantly want more followers, more comments and more subscribers.

There’s a number of reasons why ignoring the numbers when you’re marketing via social media can be more beneficial than you think.

Quality over Quantity

This is a phrase that you probably know by heart and it still rings true every time it’s said. When it comes to producing content, you should always pay heed to the quality rather than getting as much as out as possible.

Your clients and audience want information they can relate to. Whether you have 40 followers or 400, reading their content and seeing what your audience is all about is a great way to help post things that they can relate to.

It doesn’t matter how many people you’re sending a message to, what matters is that they can get something out of what you’re giving. Not only does this make them feel more comfortable and trusting, but this will make users more likely to share what you’re saying with others.

Maintain Focus

Of course you want every single person in the world to choose your brand and follow it closely, but that just isn’t going to happen. There will always be people who dislike your company as well as those who aren’t interested in hearing what you have to say.

The jack-of-all-trades sounds like a great position to play, but it isn’t. It’s important to maintain focus when it comes to your social media page. Don’t go overboard or try to please everyone. Keep your messages and points on track and direct.

Your users can tell when you’re trying to please everyone instead of sharing what your brand all about, so be sure to focus on your brand and your strategy. If you only have one strategy, that’s okay, especially if it works.


Communication does not mean you need to send a direct message to every single one of your followers asking how their day is or thanking them for their business.

This means focusing on your content and what you’re creating or trying to say. This also means reading the content of your followers and what they have to say. You’re not going to be able to communicate with people that you know nothing about.

Marketing means directing a message and knowing what they’re looking for or what problems they’re trying to solve – and solving them. If you don’t know what problems your clients or potential clients are having, why do you think your brand will be able to offer them any solutions?

Communicating with the people you’re already involved with should be your focus rather than trying to gain so many followers that you’ve lost your goal.

So many small businesses succeed because they gain a rapport with their customers. Have you ever walked into a small convenience store and noticed the cashier saying the names of each customer as they enter? It may be difficult for a small business to compete with a corporation but this doesn’t mean they’re not doing well on their own.

Communication is the key in every relationship regardless of what kind it is.

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