Leadership Management

Tips for Leading A New Team

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When you first get told that you are being promoted to a leadership position, it can be very exciting. You’ll be getting a new role, more responsibility as well as a higher salary. Of course, leading a brand-new team is never easy and you’ll need to gain their trust and make sure that they respect you as soon as possible. The good news is that leading a team doesn’t have to be as tricky as some people make it seem.

In this article, we are going to give you some of our tips to help you lead a new team. Hopefully, you’ll pick up some advice that you can use to really get into the swing of things.

Give A Good First Impression

The first tip that we have for those who want to lead a new team in the right way is to give off the best possible first impression. When a new leader comes into a team with an aggressive tone or shows that they are not willing to get to know them, they can be seen in the wrong light. You need to be welcoming but also show your authority at the same time. If you can find the balance and give off a good first impression, your team will respect you soon enough.

Get to Know Them

If you have moved to a brand-new team then you will probably find that you don’t know them very well. While you will be simply leading the team, it is important that you are aware of each of their strengths and weaknesses and that you know who works well together. A good way to get to know your team is to consider some corporate hospitality and entertainment ideas. This way, you can have a fun day out with your team and learn more about them.


Our next tip for those who want to successfully lead a new team is to try to delegate as much as possible. While it is important that you show that you are here to help and pitch in where you can, delegating is a good way to ensure things are done in the right way. Once you get to know your team and their strengths, it can be much easier to delegate tasks to the right people. It might also be worth chatting with the previous leader to find out more about how to do this.

Open Door Policy

Finally, you should always make sure that you have an open-door policy as the leader of a new team. You don’t want to come across as someone who is just there to give orders and not talk. Your new team needs to see you as part of the team that already exists, and the open-door policy can be the best way to achieve this. Get some tips online about how to manage an open-door policy as best as possible.

Final Verdict

Managing a new team can be very stressful, especially if you are moving to a new department or an office. If you want to be able to solidify your new position and show that you are here to help, you should consider some of the advice that we have given you in this article. Think about how you can get to know your team in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses. If you can, hold some one-to-one meetings to properly introduce yourself from the start.

Hopefully, over time our tips will help you to become the best possible leader that you can be.

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