Business Planning Process How to start a business

3 Reasons Why Starting a Business Online is Advantageous over the ‘Old School’ Model

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Leaving the 9-5 grind is something most people dream of doing as being your own boss certainly comes with its advantages. If you are thinking of ditching the rat race by stepping out on your own, you should consider starting an online business, as these opportunities can be very appealing because they don’t come with the many pitfalls that most new brick-and-mortar business ventures face, especially if you’re planning on selling physical products. Here are 3 compelling reasons why you should consider starting an online business.


Many would-be entrepreneurs are attracted by the appeal of working online because of the tremendous freedom it offers. With all the technology that is at our fingertips, an online business owner has every tool he or she needs to run a successful business on the web. Just think about the last time you sat down in your local coffee shop. The chances are great that there was at least one person there who was running their online business from their laptop, tablet or phone while taking advantage of the free wi-fi and unlimited cups of hot coffee refills.

When you are not tied down to a cubicle-based desk from morning to late afternoon, you can do what you need to do when you feel like doing it. However, in order to be a success at running an online business, you do need to use your time wisely as slacking off is not something you can afford to do. If you have the dedication and drive, however, you can learn how to make the best use of your time so that you can run your business while spending time with loved ones and partaking in all the activities you love.


Brick-and-mortar businesses are typically limited with their customer reach as the target market is usually located within a certain distance to the establishment. But with an internet-based business, your target market can be based anywhere worldwide. Once a successful marketing and advertising strategy is mapped out, it’s only a matter of delivering your message via the Internet to those people making up your target market. An Internet business can grow very rapidly and much faster than a traditional business as it’s far easier to get your message in front of those people who are interested in what you’re selling, particularly in the world of ecommerce.


In order to start a brick-and-mortar business, you’re up against all types of obstacles right from the get-go such as getting capital investment, purchasing equipment, machinery and vehicles, hiring staff and finding the lowest insurance rates…the list is endless. But when you’re launching an online business, you have far fewer obstacles to contend with, although you’ll still need to plan wisely.  If you’re going to be working in the ecommerce space, you’ll want to run an enterprise ecommerce platform comparison before you do anything else, since trying to switch platforms sometime in the future could severely impact the long-term success of your business.

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