HR Management

6 Remote Hiring Tips for Recruiting the Right Talent

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Modern technology has made it possible to cast a wide net when looking to recruit. Remote recruitment is now what smart companies need to embrace to maximize the benefits of the diversity it brings. Yes, remote recruiting is now a nice way for any business or organization to exploit the right talent from every part of the globe. And the best thing is, it does this while reducing business costs that would have stemmed from rent, utilities, or other office management items. Well, reaping the full advantage of having remote employees starts with having a proper hiring process.

Here are some remote hiring tips for recruiting the right employees.

Have Video Interviews

It could be argued that nothing beats a face-to-face connection when it comes to interviews. Video interviewing comes in a close second with the added benefit that you can engage applicants from all over the globe. And this means that the pool of talents to draw from is significantly broadened. To get the best out of video interviews, there are a few tips you can use to ease the nerves of the applicants and have a smoother interviewing process.

For example, ensure that the candidates are furnished with all information they may need during the interview.  Try to include this information in the interview invitation. Technology still has its downsides like poor connectivity. So, make sure that all the tech gadgets that you will use for the interview are in pristine condition.

Also, ensure that your internet connection is stable because technical glitches can quickly turn even the most promising interview into a frustrating experience. It is important to be in a quiet room where neither you nor the applicants will be interrupted. Video interviewing can be your best tool in making recruitments more flexible and quicker. It also improves the decision-making process because you can always go back and watch pre-recorded videos of the interviews to be very sure of your decision.

Ask the Right Questions

In deciding whether a candidate will fit perfectly in a role and be an asset to the company, you have to ask the right questions. Your ideal candidate will be one that can competently work remotely. How do you ascertain this? By asking the right questions. A remote candidate will need to have a couple of core competencies like discipline, time management, proactivity, communication, and consistency.

Try to customize the questions to feature these key areas. You can ask the applicant how they’d make decisions in the absence of a supervisor to test autonomous working. Ask questions that test personal drive, resourcefulness, and team collaboration.

Use Job Promotion Platforms

So, you have a role and are looking for the best talents to fill it. You know that there is someone out there that will be best suited for the position. How do you reach out to them? Social network platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are now incredible for reaching out to talented people to work in your organization. Posting the job on these job promotion platforms gives the job more visibility and makes it easier to reach the targeted people. Platforms like LinkedIn will make it possible to laser-target specific professionals that you may need in your company.

However, while this may help you reach thousands and thousands of potential candidates, there is the possibility of having an overload. The applications may be more than you anticipated!  This is bound to get overwhelming. A way to make it more manageable is to use a resume checker that will help sieve out applicants that don’t meet the qualifications. It will save your time through an automated approach of spotting things like spelling errors & employment gaps. You can also automate verification of digital identities, employment history, education background, and more.

Have a Well-Written Job Description

Choose your words well in your job posting. This will ensure that no room is left for misunderstanding. Do not just give a simple summary of the job functions and the salary range. No! A well-written job description should cover everything a person in the position does, how the work is to be done as well as how performance in the role will be measured. This is the only way to attract the best talents. If the job is purely remote, the job description should communicate that.

Work Assignments

Sometimes, it is necessary to go above and beyond in picking out the best match for a role. You need to feel like the successful applicant has proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are capable of taking up the task. To be sure of their abilities, you could consider using work assignments as an audition to see how good the applicants’ skills are. Evaluate their time management and how well they can handle pressure. Of course, it does not need to be extremely thorough because you may end up scaring off potential candidates. It is better if this part of the hiring process is introduced towards the end. You do not want to have a ton of tasks to assess and also, you wouldn’t want to burden candidates that you are probably not going to pick anyway.

Ensure Data Privacy

The digital age is ridden with innumerable cybersecurity concerns. Security and privacy of data is a factor in remote hiring that you cannot afford to overlook. Your organization’s data needs to be kept private and secure. The applicants should similarly be assured of the privacy and safety of their data. Some international regulations compel companies to protect their employees’ data. The rules are different in different regions. You, therefore, need to know how to handle data from applicants from different parts of the world.

The legislation may have a few loopholes when it comes to remote hires. However, to prove the integrity and ethics of your organization, you should take the initiative to protect the candidates’ data from exploitation and possible misuse. The technology that you use for your recruitment process matters. Ensure that your recruitment technology has the in-built capacity to comply with the data laws when recruiting from across the world. Always be sure that the technology you are using is secure.

In Conclusion

There has been an unmistaken shift to remote working. Having people who are united by their company’s mission and vision but physically in different parts of the world is quickly becoming the norm; especially with the Covid-19 pandemic. Hiring remote can be easier said than done but we hope these strategies will help you get the right talent.

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