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Types Of Online Advertising That Can Make Or Break Your Webpage

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Not all internet advertising is created equally. Not even close! More often than not, placing third-party advertisements on a webpage is necessary to help pay the bills. However, unless you carefully select the best method of advertising to fit your page, you may be scaring viewers away – and fast! The following is a quick run-through of many of the popular online advertising models with a little advice on whether or not they will work for your page.

The Classic Pop-Up

Probably invented by Al Gore before he invented the internet, pop-up ads are a classic method of advertising online. While most web browsers have highly effective built-in security measures to block these ads, ad creators are always devising new ways to circumvent pop-up blockers. 10 years ago, people were ready to kill over the nuisance created by the endless stream of pop-ups. Today pop-ups are safer to utilize for your page and receiving far less criticism than a decade ago. While they may not be the most effective method for advertisers, they shouldn’t scare people away from your page…that is if they even get seen.

Trick Ads

The last experiences you want people want to have while browsing your website, are ones of confusion, trickery, and mistrust. If you place a trick ad on your site, your webpage visitors are sure to achieve all 3. Trick ads are cleverly designed to look like part of your website, emulating the style, colors, and format your page contains. Only the savvier internet users can spot these, and almost everyone has fallen prey to these ads at least one. Despite these ads having a higher clicked on ratio than most others, unless you want to anger everyone visiting your site, don’t use them. Trick ads are a sure way to make visitors never return.

Interstitial Ads

If your website offers lots to explore, interstitial ads may be perfect for you. They work by displaying an ad in the web browser through your website (not a pop-up) for a set amount of time, usually anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds. The ad appears after you click on a link or portal to view content on another part of your site. While it’s recommended not to overload your website with all sorts of interstitial ads, a few of these ads attached to links or portals from your main page will be harmless. If your webpage offers some high-bandwidth content that takes time to load, then interstitial ads are definitely the way to go. Too much may shy people away from returning to your site, but used in just the right amount, interstitial ads are great.

Frame Ads

Another one of Al Gore’s inventions, the classic frame ad is a staple of the internet. Used properly with contextual advertising, frame ads won’t scary people away and could even give your website a better image. Usually located at the top or bottom of pages, frame ads don’t terribly interfere with the follow of your website. These ads are the best bet for your website.

Internet advertising is constantly evolving, but that doesn’t mean you cannot keep it keep it simple. Sticking with the classic frame ads and a few interstitial ads is a good way to help fund your website. Stay away from pop-ups and ads that use trickery, the internet is a big place and if your visitors are unhappy, they will easily go elsewhere to find what they are looking for.

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